2023 National Outdoor Conference: Outdoor training is calling (and you must go!)


Get outside. Learn something. Put new and old skills to the test. Have fun.

They sound simple, but these aims at the core of Scouting hinge on something: well-trained leaders at all levels. Even better, Scouting thrives when its leadership loves the outdoors and can share outdoor experiences with all the youth in our programs.

That’s where the National Outdoor Conference comes in!NOC-white-tealer@3x-100-645x1024

Who should attend the 2023 National Outdoor Conference?

“Volunteers and staff who give leadership to their councils’ and districts’ outdoor programs, properties and camping operations are welcome to Philmont Scout Ranch Sept. 27 through Oct. 1,” explained Andrea Watson, director of outdoor programs for the BSA.

So if you run a camp? The conference is for you. If you’re a chair on your council’s aquatics committee? It’s for you. If you’re responsible for any aspect of teaching, leading or staffing outdoor programs, the National Outdoor Conference is here to serve you.

And, trust us, this week is packed with value. The sessions kick off with an opening keynote from NASA astronaut Dr. Kjell Lindgren, who is an Eagle Scout, assistant Scoutmaster and BSA outdoor ethics advisor.

Attendees can expect to walk away with knowledge of the latest in outdoor gear and programs. Sponsored by Diamond Brand, the conference will also offer a vendor fair of industry partners showing off cool new gear and resources to help your council provide the best camping and outdoor programs in the country.

What will you learn at the conference?

“With more 90 electives to choose from, there are a wide variety of topics being discussed, especially focused on three critical areas,” Watson said.

These three core topics include managing BSA properties, strengthening our culture of safety, and delivering exceptional camping and outdoor programs.

And the learning can begin even sooner if you’d like to make a full week out of your journey to Philmont.

“Take a look at the pre-conferences,” Watson urged. “Mental Health, First-Aid, Marketing Boot Camp and Wilderness First Aid Instructor Training are just a few of the options available to extend your time to the entire week.”

To learn more about the course offerings, event schedule and pricing, check out the National Outdoor Conference page.

Register and mark your calendar for the 2023 National Outdoor Conference in Cimarron, N.M.

Head to the National Outdoor Conference registration page if you’re ready to sign up.

P.S. Did we mention how iconic the backdrop for this event is? Just take a peek at the sights last conference’s attendees experienced.

About Gina Circelli 52 Articles
Gina Circelli is the senior digital editor for Scout Life. She loves sharing news about Scouts who shake up pop culture or contribute to their communities in big ways.