Scouting Show & Tell: Advancement during the pandemic

Many units were forced to shift their plans because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scouts found ways to continue Scouting while staying safe. We asked Scouters to share photos of advancements and adventures from the past several months. Here are a few.

Continue to follow the COVID-19 guidelines for your area. For other questions relating to Scouting during the pandemic, refer to the BSA’s COVID-19 FAQ. And for a checklist for restarting Scouting, check out the SAFE Restart guide.

You can share more ways of how you make Scouting shine at or by emailing us at

A badge in every state

Mindi Bell shared how her daughter Taylor, an Eagle Scout in Troop 2019 of Murfreesboro, Tenn., completed her goal of earning a merit badge in every U.S. state.

Let’s go camping

Pedro Martinez shared a four-day campout that Troop 311 of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, went on in San Sebastián. There, they worked on merit badges and visited nearby museums.

Busy day at Sea Base

Stanley Kwok shared how Troop 1449 of Rockville, Md., went to Florida Sea Base, one of four BSA national high-adventure bases. After a day of diving, the Scouts were tired.

Earning Eagle

Cynthia Jermin shared that nine Scouts in Troop 263 of Queens, N.Y., earned the Eagle Scout rank during the past 18 months. The Scouts are Benjamin Wade, Carl Smith Jr., Christian Garcia, Jeremy Grant, Naim Bansfield, Craig Luis Jermin, Patrick Burke Jr., Kristopher Makhi Nichols and Christian Wiggins.

Joint Court of Honor

Robert Simpson shared that nine Scouts in Troop 544 in Washington, D.C., earned Eagle. The Scouts are Brandon Hall, Xavier Scott, Jamir Grier, Marcus Hall, Charles Brown III, Joshua Simpson, Benjamin Evans, Spencer Fridie and Greyson Thrower.


About Michael Freeman 472 Articles
Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines.