Teach your Cub Scouts this yo-yo trick for the Preview Adventure

Before your Cub Scouts can go “around the world” or “walk the dog,” they must first work on one of the basic yo-yo tricks, which is part of the Yo-Yo Preview Adventure, available for Wolves, Bears, Webelos and Arrow of Light Cub Scouts.

Here’s how to do the “gravity pull”:

  1. First, hold the yo-yo so the string is coming over the top of the yo-yo. The slip knot should be around your middle finger.
  2. Pull your arm up like you’re making a muscle. Then, extend your arm, allowing the yo-yo to roll out of your hand. Turn your hand over.
  3. When the yo-yo spins to the end of the string, flick your wrist to make it return.

You can watch how to perform this trick on this video from Duncan:

Preview Adventures are limited-time, experimental adventures your Cub Scouts can earn. They will count toward advancement, just like any other elective adventures, and they might be included in future handbooks. The Yo-Yo Preview Adventure shows Cub Scouts how to use this timeless toy as well as teaches them concepts of physics.

Teach your den or pack by getting Scout Leader Case Packs, priced well below retail, each featuring assorted yo-yos in multiples of 12. These case packs are perfect for group activities and recruiting events. If you’re planning a big event, consider Duncan’s customizable packs, where you can add logos, graphics or even your pack number on the yo-yos. Choose between three quality yo-yos, add your image, pick your color and you’ve got a really cool custom toy for your next meeting or recruitment event.

Looking for something just for your Cub Scout? Duncan offers a starter kit, complete with two yo-yos, extra string and a trick book. The Duncan BSA Hornet yo-yo, retailing for $11.99, is made just for Scouts. It’s balanced perfectly for looping tricks, and its ball-bearing axle helps the yo-yo to spin for a long time. More yo-yos are available on Duncan’s site or at the Scout Shop online.

These high-performance models allow for longer sleep times than models you may find at your local superstore. The longer a yo-yo sleeps (spins at the bottom of the string), the more time you have for tricks.

For older Scouts, they can earn patches through Duncan’s teen program. A great activity resource is this Duncan BSA guide, which helps you establish a family contest where families and Scouts try out 10 different yo-yo tricks.

Yo-yo lessons

For more yo-yo tricks and tips for working on the Yo-Yo Cub Scout Preview Adventure, follow Duncan on Facebook. Every other Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. CT/7 p.m. ET, a yo-yo expert shares techniques and help for completing adventure requirements. You can watch the lessons here.

About Michael Freeman 471 Articles
Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines.