Boys’ Life wants YOU (actually your Scout) to join the magazine advisory team

What does your Scout think of Boys’ Life magazine?

Do they have ideas of what they’d like to see more of? Less of? What’s their favorite section? Least favorite? What new stories would they like to see?

They can let the Boys’ Life editors know by joining an advisory team for the magazine. Boys’ Life isn’t looking for input from adults for this team, just youth of all ages.

Scouts can fill out a form (with their parent’s or guardian’s permission) here, and will be emailed a series of surveys to complete. If they’re younger than 13, parents will receive a copy of the emails, too. A few readers might get the opportunity to participate on a video panel to directly share their feedback and ideas with Boys’ Life editors.

Since 1911, Boys’ Life has been the premiere magazine from the Boy Scouts of America for kids and teens, featuring award-winning stories, photos and comics. Online, it’s the home to fun games, jokes and podcasts. You can subscribe by visiting here. Research has shown that youth who subscribe advance further, spend more time outdoors and stay in Scouting longer than those who don’t.

For the adults

OK, Scouters, after you’ve let your youth know about how to join the BL advisory team, how do you send in your ideas?

You can click here to send in outings, service projects and more for the editorial team to consider.

You can also send in your story ideas for Scouting magazine here. You can send in letters to the editor here.

About Michael Freeman 475 Articles
Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines.