Scouting Show and Tell: Merit Badges with a Twist

Sure, your Scout can complete many merit badge requirements in a classroom setting. But where’s the fun in that?

It’s time for Show and Tell, where Scouters show their favorite photos and tell the story behind them. This time, we want you to share how you or another counselor taught merit badge curriculum in a fun, unique way. Or you can show us a cool way your Scout earned a badge.

To earn the Hiking merit badge, Kendalyn and Ashley Bybee of girls’ Troop 219 in Kennewick, Wash., didn’t settle for day hikes too close to home — they ventured into the scenic wilderness.

They trekked five miles from Multnomah Falls to Wahkeena Falls in Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge, 12 miles roundtrip up and down Mount St. Helens in Washington, 12 miles along the Twin Pillars Trail in Oregon’s Ochoco National Forest, 15 miles roundtrip to southeast Idaho’s Upper and Lower Palisades Lakes, 15 miles roundtrip to Washington’s Rachel and Rampart Lakes and 23 miles to the Lakes Basin in Oregon’s Eagle Cap Wilderness Area. It took them this whole last summer to complete the hikes.

Just visit to share with us. You can also email us at, leave a comment below or share via social media using #ScoutingShowandTell.

You could be featured in an upcoming issue of Scouting magazine. For more Scouting Show and Tell topics, click here. For more tips on merit badges, click here.

We also want to see other ways you make Scouting great, so if you have a funny skit, cool activity uniform or neat neckerchief slide, send them our way as well. What you share could inspire others, giving them ideas for their units.

About Michael Freeman 472 Articles
Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines.