This is Your Scouts’ Chance to Help Guide the BSA 

Youth Advisory Panel

Do you know a standout Scout who would love to guide the BSA with insights and perspective? Want to give your Scouts a chance to live out the tenets of the Scout Law? The BSA’s Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) is calling all helpful Scouts! Read on to learn more.

YAP will kick off this fall and give Scouts an opportunity voice their opinions and share how Scouting can best represent them. This is a resume-making, insider opportunity: YAP will place Scout voices at the center of BSA’s strategic direction.

Scouts ages 11-20 are encouraged to apply! The panel will launch with a series of digital meetings to discuss topics that are important to kids and teens.

There will be a time and leadership commitment, so any Scouts who apply should run it by their parents first (Scouts younger than age 14 will need a parent’s permission to apply).

How to Apply for YAP

The application can be found here and will be accepted through Sept. 30. The first digital discussion is scheduled for November.

Know a Scout who would be a great representative and could communicate fellow unit members’ ideas and concerns up the line? Encourage them to apply and help the BSA empower youth!

Together, we can ensure Scouts are heard and our programs continue to represent the youth of today.

Remember: A Scout is Helpful. Encourage Scouts to apply!

About Lauren Iriarte 1 Article
Lauren Iriarte is the copy editor for Boys’ Life, Scouting and Eagles’ Call magazines. Her brother is an Eagle Scout.