What you need to Be Prepared for the launch of Scouts BSA on Feb. 1

With respect to Ryan Seacrest, the biggest countdown on the horizon happens exactly one month after New Year’s.

On Feb. 1, 2019, the Boy Scouts of America launches Scouts BSA.

It’s the same great program we currently call Boy Scouts, but it’ll be open to any young person — boy or girl — ages 11 to 17.

Volunteers, parents and young people have been preparing for Scouts BSA for months. At informal get-togethers across the country, families have formed a plan to start a Scouts BSA girl troop as soon as possible.

(Reminder: There will be separate Scouts BSA troops for girls and boys. Some units may choose to form a linked troop — separate boy and girl troops that share a chartered organization and troop committee.)

Sensing the excitement, the BSA has released a number of great resources to help you Be Prepared for Scouts BSA. Here they are, organized in a handy bulleted list.

Essential Scouts BSA resources, available now

What questions do you still have?

That’s a ton of great resources right there, and it represents the BSA’s commitment to help you Be Prepared.

But if you still have questions, I want to help.

Tell me in the comments what additional information you need to help your local Scouts BSA launch and recruiting efforts.

Please be as specific as possible, because I’ll use your questions to develop additional blog posts to help you in the weeks and months ahead.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.