How one Scouter lost 150 pounds so he could go to Philmont

Brian Frailey was elated last October when he and his son Alex signed up for a 2019 Philmont trek together.

Frailey last visited Philmont in 1993, when he was a Scout. Now, a quarter-century later, he’d get to return with his son. Experiencing a high-adventure trek with your child is a dream opportunity for any Scouting parent.

But there was one thing standing in Frailey’s way.

“Being overweight and afraid of what stepping on a scale would reveal, I knew I had some work ahead of me in order to get in shape for our trek,” Frailey says.

Not wanting to let down his troop, his Philmont crew, himself or his son, Frailey began a rigorous weight-loss program to get himself in Philmont shape. He has lost 150 pounds in less than nine months and wants to share his story to inspire others that “what seems impossible can be done.”

‘Reality hit me like a rock’

Frailey, the Scoutmaster of Troop 387 of the Greater St. Louis Area Council, said he initially figured he’d need to lose about 50 pounds to be ready for Philmont.

When he stepped on the scale, he realized that number was actually 114 pounds.

“Reality hit me like a rock, but once I became honest with myself and accepted the fact that I had to change my habits and lifestyle, I knew I was not going to let anyone down,” Frailey says.

How he did it

Frailey hired a local weight-loss coach named Charles D’Angelo to get himself on track. In January, D’Angelo outlined a strict diet plan and daily cardio regimen.

Frailey lost 22 pounds in the first month and another 24 pounds the second.

“The pounds just started melting away the harder I worked,” he says. “With a renewed outlook on my future, not only do I feel better and younger, I have a tremendous amount of energy.”

It sounds like an infomercial, but there’s no catch. Frailey set a goal, changed his lifestyle, and this commitment has changed his life.

Spreading the word

Frailey has used this story to inspire the Scouts in Troop 387. He’s talked with Scouts about physical fitness, mental fitness, self-confidence, food, goal-setting, hard work, willpower and commitment.

“All of which can easily be tied back into the Scout Oath and Law,” he says.

But his story likely resonates most of all with Scouters who are struggling with a similar weight-loss goal in anticipation of a high-adventure trip.

“I know there are other Scouters like me out there,” he says. “Scouters who desire to be more active but face the reality of their limitations. Scouters who want to attend high-adventure activities but are afraid they will be a hindrance to their crew. I’m here to tell you that what seems impossible can be done.”

Starting your weight-loss journey? Try these

Ready to start eating better and exercising more? Scouting magazine has a wealth of free resources to help you on your way. Find them here.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.