How to nominate someone for the Sea Scout Leadership Award

Think of a youth or adult in Sea Scouting who has gone above and beyond to support the program. Someone who is the first to volunteer to run special events or take on new responsibilities. Someone who exemplifies the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Have someone in mind? Now nominate him or her for the Sea Scout Leadership Award.

The award, which debuted in 2017, is presented to Sea Scouts and Sea Scouters who have made exceptional contributions to Sea Scouting at the council, area, regional or national level.

Anyone can submit a nomination form by following the guide below. Note that the selection committee gives more weight to nominations submitted by youth.

From left: council, area, regional, national.

What are the requirements to be considered?

A qualified nominee must:

  • Have been registered and involved as a Sea Scout or Sea Scouter for at least one year.
  • Hold a leadership position or an office at the unit, district, council, area, region or national level
  • Show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Sea Scouting and to Sea Scouts (at the level appropriate for the award).

What makes a nomination more likely to be successful?

Here are a few tips:

  • In your 200-word-or-less narrative, explain how the nominee went “above and beyond.”
  • Include multiple letters of recommendation (two to four) from different areas of the nominee’s life to give a well-rounded view of the nominee. These could include an instructor, coach Skipper/Commodore/Boatswain, or a church/community leader.
  • List all of the nominee’s Scouting positions along with the year they were held.
  • Outline any involvement outside of the Scouting program (sports, community groups, etc.).
  • Have a youth complete the nomination. Sea Scouting is youth-led, so nominations carry more weight when they come from a youth.

Who selects the award recipients?

The selection committee includes past recipients of the Sea Scout Leadership Award and leaders from the appropriate organizational level. Only youth members of the committee are eligible to vote; adults serve as nonvoting members.

If no past recipients are available, a committee can be formed at the discretion of the respective commodore and staff advisor.

What do recipients receive?

  • A certificate
  • A knot (Supply No. 14220, which is the same knot as the Venturing Leadership Award)
  • A Sea Scout device/pin to go on the knot (Supply No. 931)
  • A medallion with a ribbon in the colors below:
    • Council: Blue and white (No. 636183)
    • Area: Gray and white (No. 636184)
    • Region: Green and white (No. 636185)
    • National: Red and white (No. 636186)

The award should be presented at a special event, such as a council awards banquet, area Sea Scout event, regional bridge of honor, or the BSA’s National Annual Meeting.

What are the deadlines to nominate someone?

  • Council: Check with your local council, which sets its own date.
  • Area: April 1 to the national service center, Office of the Sea Scout Director
  • Region: March 1 to the national service center, Office of the Sea Scout Director
  • National: March 1 to the national service center, Office of the Sea Scout Director

Where can I find the nomination form?

Go here for the nomination form and packet.

Council-level forms are submitted to your local council.

Area, regional and national nomination forms can be emailed to: OR sent via snail mail to:

Boy Scouts of America
Office of the Sea Scout Director, S280
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, TX 75015-2079

How many can be awarded per year?

  • Council: Two per council in councils with up to five Sea Scout ships; one for each additional five ships or fraction thereof
  • Area: Up to two
  • Regional: Up to two
  • National: Up to two

If more than one award is presented at a given level, at least 50 percent of the awards must be presented to youth. For example, if two awards are presented in an area, at least one must be awarded to a youth.

The National Sea Scout Committee recognizes the importance of recognizing the leadership in the Sea Scout program. In exceptional cases, the National Commodore and Director can review petitions from a selection committee and extend the quota.

Where can I learn more?

Right here.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.