Get ready for four days of backcountry excursions, outstanding keynote speakers, clean mountain air, sessions with outdoor and camping experts, great music, and new friends.
Get ready for four days at Philmont Scout Ranch, one of the most incredible locations in all of Scouting.
Get ready for the 2015 National Outdoor Conference.
At the 2015 National Outdoor Conference, held this October at Philmont, you’ll join volunteers and professionals to learn more about delivering the world’s greatest outdoor program for youth.
You’ll learn new methods to take back to your Scout unit and council. You’ll share ideas with fellow Scouters and professionals. You’ll get a sneak peek at the latest in outdoor programs and gear.
Basically, if you’re involved with outdoor programs in any way, you need to be there. Keep reading for details.
What is it?
It’s Scouting’s largest get‐together of volunteers and professionals charged with delivering the world’s greatest outdoor program for youth.
When and where is it?
Oct. 14-18, 2015, at Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, N.M.
There’s no more fitting setting for this year’s conference because Philmont continues to deliver wilderness adventures that last a lifetime.
The program begins with dinner at 6 p.m. on Oct. 14 and concludes Oct. 18 after breakfast.
There are also optional pre-conference events. One is a fishing instructor course, and the other is the Visual Storytelling Workshop.
Who should go?
Anyone and everyone involved in national, regional, area, council, district and unit outdoor program delivery. That means:
Scout executives, directors of support services, program directors, rangers, camp directors, council presidents, council program vice presidents, council and district camping volunteers, conservation leaders, aquatics leaders, COPE/climbing leaders, properties chairpersons, and any other volunteer or professional responsible for delivery of outdoor programs.
What will I do?
Enjoy informative elective sessions: You’ll choose up to 10 elective sessions from the more than 50 offered. Learn about them beginning on Page 6 of this PDF.
Explore Philmont: On Oct. 16, you’ll enjoy Philmont in any way that interests you. That could involve taking a hike, climbing, fly-fishing, horseback riding, biking or touring the grounds by vehicle. The afternoon is yours, so live it up!
Hear an outstanding keynote speaker: Astronaut Mike Fossum will deliver a stellar closing keynote address.
Check out outdoor vendors and exhibits: On Oct. 15 you’ll explore exhibits from outdoor equipment vendors, outdoor agencies and the BSA’s national outdoor program professionals. You’ll be the first to learn about new programs, services and gear. And you’ll get a chance to take home some sweet door prizes.
Phil-Mazing Race: This is cool. On Oct. 17, you’ll test your GPS navigation skills during the inaugural edition of this fun competition. Prizes (and a special patch) are on the line, so good luck!
How much does it cost?
The cost is $250, $290 or $325, depending on whether you plan to stay off-site, in a wall tent at Philmont (with electricity) or in a dorm/duplex at Philmont (also with electricity). See this PDF for details.
How do I register?
Registration is now open. Go here to get started.
What about a brochure/program guide?
Sure. Find answers to all of your questions about the 2015 National Outdoor Conference in this PDF.
Photo from Philmont Training Center’s Facebook page.
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