On #GivingTuesday, help bring Scouting to more young people

giving-tuesday-BSAWhat comes after Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Giving Tuesday.

After two days devoted to getting deals, Giving Tuesday is a global day that’s all about giving back. This new tradition of generosity is a nice antidote to the consumerism invading our holidays.

Giving Tuesday also presents a great opportunity to help grow Scouting in your community. You can donate to your local council, help send a Scout to camp or help build the next great high-adventure camp. However you decide to give to the BSA, you’ll be providing young people with the chance to have fun, gain confidence and become leaders who live the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

One added boost: Your donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law, so you’ll get credit for your gift at tax time.

Here’s how to join the Giving Tuesday movement:

a-place-to-giveStep 1. Visit APlaceToGive.Scouting.org

Start at APlaceToGive.Scouting.org, the BSA’s official site through which you can make donations to local councils and the national council.

You’ll see a number of ways to give and learn more about how your gifts help.

give-to-local-scoutingStep 2. Enter your ZIP code

Find the box that says “Give to Local Scouting,” and enter your ZIP code.

You’ll then be taken to a donation page for your local council, where you can choose to give a general gift to your local council or send a Scout to camp.

recurring-giftStep 3. Make your tax-deductible gift to Scouting

Now comes the important part.

You can choose a gift amount you’re comfortable with, and even make the contribution in honor of or in memory of a loved one.

You can choose a one-time gift or recurring one.

GT_HandMessage_2014Step 4. Share your #unselfie behavior

Thanks for your gift! You’ve made a difference in the life of a young person.

But don’t keep it to yourself. Post a picture of yourself on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook with the hashtags #unselfie and #GivingTuesday. You’ve joined the #unselfie revolution, so be sure to tell others and inspire them to do the same.

You can use this free template (PDF) when you share.


About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.