Logan the Scout on Fox’s ‘MasterChef Junior,’ makes the Top 4

This post is frequently updated.

Something tells me Logan Guleff won’t have any trouble earning the Eagle-required Cooking merit badge.

The 12-year-old from Troop 34 of the Chickasaw Council, headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., has advanced to the Top 4 on Fox’s MasterChef Junior. That’s the semifinals!

MasterChef Junior, a spinoff of the Gordon Ramsay-led MasterChef, is a cooking competition that pits 8- to 13-year-olds against one another with $100,000 going to the winner.

That would buy exactly 1,428 Dutch ovens for Logan and the Scouts of Troop 34.

How to watch MasterChef Junior

The show is rated TV-PG, meaning it’s appropriate to watch with your Scout-age kids. Episodes air at 8 p.m. (7 p.m. Central) Tuesdays on Fox.

The first five episodes are online now. Episode 6 airs Dec. 9.

Logan first made headlines in Boys’ Life

This isn’t the first time Boys’ Life readers have heard about Logan. In the October 2013 issue, BL spotlighted Logan for being a winner in the 2012 Epicurious Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. Logan’s recipe earned him a trip to the White House.

See the article below (click to enlarge):



Follow Logan’s blog

To see more of Logan’s adventures, check out his official blog: Order Up! With Logan.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.