Odds are 19 out of every 20 people you meet at the 2015 World Scout Jamboree will be from a country other than the United States.
How about those odds for making friends with Scouts from one of 161 different countries in attendance?
Next summer a few lucky Boy Scouts and Venturers will spend 12 days in Japan with more than 30,000 Scouts and leaders from across the globe.
I know what you’re thinking: Where do I sign up? Right here.
The Boy Scouts of America is expecting to send about 1,600 people to the 23rd World Jamboree, held in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan from July 28 to Aug. 8, 2015.
I can guarantee it will be an amazing experience for those who attend as they make new friends, hear new languages and bring home a whole new worldview. (Read about my experiences at the 2011 World Jamboree here.)
You or a Scout or Venturer you know can be there next summer, either as a participant or as a member of staff (better known as the International Service Team).
You certainly have questions, like: How much does this cost? How do participants get to Japan? Who is eligible to attend?
Rather than answer here, let me point you to this handy FAQs page. The BSA’s International Team gets a ton of questions about the world jamboree every day, and most of those questions are answered right on that page.
H/T: Thanks to BSA International Director Janine Halverson and her amazing team of volunteers and professionals for making sure the BSA contingent will be well-represented in Japan.
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