Bryan on Scouting gets new look and a forum feature

Easier navigation, a better mobile viewing experience and a forum feature that lets you connect with other Scouters to ask questions and share ideas. Bryan on Scouting has been redesigned to serve you better.

Today, thanks to the efforts of Online Editor Bryan Wursten (two Bryans are always better than one), we launch a revamped Bryan on Scouting.

We’re still on WordPress, but now I have more powerful blogging tools to make sure you can find the stories that interest you.

Those of you who read Bryan on Scouting on your smartphones will notice an improved experience there, as well. The newest post appears at the top of your screen now, and short excerpts with each post let you decide whether to click and read more.

But I’m most excited about the forums. It’s something I’ve wanted for a while, and it means you can ask questions and share stories with fellow Scouters.

Want help with a Cub Scout outing you’re planning? Post your question in the Cub Scout forum. Need advice for a problem in your Boy Scout troop? The Boy Scout forum is waiting. There’s also one for Venturing and one for General Scouting topics. I may add other forums categories later, but let’s start with those four.

Anyone with a valid email address can post in the forums, which I’ll moderate to make sure everyone remains friendly, courteous and kind.

You’ll notice tweaks to the redesign over the coming weeks as we work out any bugs. If you see any problems, leave a comment below or send me an email

History of Scouting magazine’s blogs

My blogging journey began back on March 16, 2009, when I launched Cracker Barrel, a name drawn from those late-night gatherings where Scouters share ideas.

I had 27 hits that first day, and I’ll bet 25 were right here in the building.

Roughly two years later, on Jan. 21, 2011, the former Cracker Barrel blog became Bryan on Scouting, and by then we were up to 1,000 pageviews a day.

Today, that number is 10,000. I’m thankful for new readers and those who have been following this journey since 2009.

I’ll continue to work every day to keep you informed and inspired.

The same thing I said when Bryan on Scouting launched back in 2011 still holds true today: We’ve only just begun.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.