It’s no secret: NSA Deputy Director is a Distinguished Eagle Scout

Inglis-portraitWhile you were probably surprised to learn about the National Security Agency’s secret spying programs back in May, you might not be shocked to find out one of the top officials at the NSA is an Eagle Scout.

After all, we already know Eagle Scouts make great politicians, athletes, entertainers, businessmen, Scoutmasters, dads and well-rounded guys. Why wouldn’t an Eagle Scout sit atop the NSA as its Deputy Director, the top civilian at the agency who essentially serves as chief operating officer?

In a recent Bloomberg Businessweek blog post, titled “Hidden Hand: Chris Inglis, the Eagle Scout at the NSA,” writer Michael Riley introduced us to Inglis, who has worked for 27 years at the NSA. The blog post is brief, but we did learn that Inglis acts like an Eagle Scout at the office. Just read this compliment from the article:

“Chris has had a rapid rise,” says James Lewis, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies who’s known Inglis for more than a decade. “He’s not the kind of guy who gets caught unprepared.” Unflappable and famous for his prodigious memory, Inglis is widely admired within the agency and on the Hill. “Chris has off-the-charts people skills,” says Tony Sager, a former senior official at the NSA. Colleagues also say the longtime Eagle Scout projects a Scout-like earnestness.

Inglis, a Distinguished Eagle Scout, is another example of how Scouts go on to reach great heights, in their professions and in life.

Now that’s a message nobody wants to keep secret.

H/T: Thanks to pro Scouter Jeffrey Griffin for the blog post idea

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.