BSA Chief conducts the Jamboree Band

Forty-one years after he was a high school band director, Wayne Brock hasn’t lost his touch.

Late this morning, the Boy Scouts of America’s Chief Scout Executive took over and led the band in a couple of tunes, including the classic “Stars and Stripes Forever.”

George Pinchock, the Jamboree Band’s official director, stepped aside for the Chief’s turn. Pinchock even presented Mr. Brock with an official Jamboree Band Director training certificate. After all, what Scouting position is complete without a little training certification?

The Chief looked comfortable in front of the group, moving his arms in time with the beat and accentuating key moments in the songs with a forceful pump of his fist.

Nice job to our Chief for a moment these young musicians won’t soon forget.

More photos after the jump…




About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.