Scouting isn’t free.
Yes, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper to be a Scout than to participate on a club soccer or lacrosse team. But there’s still a cost in Scouting — dues, uniforms, gear, activity fees, travel expenses, printed materials, and more.
Within one pack, troop, team, or crew you likely have parents who live comfortably and those who live paycheck to paycheck. You could say the socioeconomic status of our Scout families is as diverse as our Scouts themselves.
So how do you handle this situation and give everyone an equal Scouting experience? And what happens if a Scout family’s economic situation changes — perhaps a parent loses a job, for example?
Take some time to ask yourself: Are you doing all you can to handle economic diversity within your troop?
Start by listening to the June 2013 ScoutCast. Joining the hosts for this important topic is the team leader of the Council Fund Development Team, Mark Moshier, who shares ways to keep funds from hindering a Scout’s involvement.
And continue the conversation by sharing your ideas in the comments section below.
The most important CubCast ever
Cub Scout leaders, if you only listen to one CubCast this year, this should be it.
It sounds like hype, but it’s not.
After all, the June 2013 CubCast is all about planning the Cub Scout year. And if you fail to plan, well, you know what happens.
Hilda Blaine, a five-year Cub Scout volunteer extraordinaire with the Grand Canyon Council in Phoenix, shares everything you need to plan your Cub Scout year.
In just 8 minutes and 38 seconds, you’ll learn some proven ways to make your Cub Scouting experience easier — all in the spirit of “keep it simple; make it fun.”
Photo from Flickr: Some rights reserved by 401(K) 2013
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