Visiting ours: Jamboree visitor passes now available

jamboree-visitorDon’t just read about the great time we’re having at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree this summer.

Come see it for yourself.

Jamboree visitor passes — including one day, two days, and all days — are available now, starting at $35 for a one-day pass for visitors 11 or older.

Be sure you’re not left out by purchasing your passes today. Simply go to this information page and find the “Click for Visitors Passes” link. You can’t miss it; the button is big and red.

Just like you can’t miss the chance to be among the first to experience the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. Unlike past jamborees, where visitors could see but not do, this time around visitors get to sample everything: ziplines, BMX bikes, rock climbing, and more. 

But don’t worry, jamboree attendees. These are special areas just for visitors, meaning participants won’t see their activity areas overloaded with non-participants. Translation: Everyone’s happy.

Find more details about pricing, visiting hours, parking, logistics, what you can and can’t bring onsite, and lots more at the official Visitor Information page.

See you at the jamboree!

Aerial photo by Gary Hartley/BSA

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.