BSA’s iconic fleur-de-lis named one of the 50 best nonprofit logos

What does the Boy Scouts of America logo mean to you?

Perhaps it represents childhood campouts you took decades ago. Or maybe it signifies the special bond you now share with your son or daughter. All good answers.

But ask the folks at the Web site Top Nonprofits, and they’ll tell you it provides “an organization with a solid foundation upon which to build their brand.” In fact, they called our logo one of the best nonprofit logos around.

Read on to learn why.

They used several criteria to determine the 50 best nonprofit logos. Among those named were the American Red Cross, Boys & Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts of the USA, PBS, and the World Wildlife Fund.

Top Nonprofits said that the recognized nonprofit logos were

  • aesthetically pleasing
  • distinctive
  • memorable
  • timeless
  • scalable
  • simple enough for use with multiple mediums
  • adaptable (color and black and white)
  • able to communicate qualities of the brand
I’d say the Boy Scouts logo fits all of those criteria and more, wouldn’t you?


Speaking of logos, download high-res versions of several BSA logos here.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.