Memorabilia Monday: Green Bar Bill’s autograph is indelible

It doesn’t have the historical weight of W.D. Boyce’s meeting with the Unknown Scout, but Bob Olafson considers his meeting with William Hillcourt to be just as special.

Olafson met Hillcourt, known to you and me as “Green Bar Bill,” and was never the same. If you don’t know who Hillcourt is, read about this true Scouting legend in a 2006 Scouting magazine story. Then you’ll understand why Olafson considers Green Bar Bill’s signature to be his prized piece of Scouting memorabilia. Here’s how Olafson tells it:

I became a Scout in 1977. I have collected a lot of Scouting memorabilia since then. But no single person had more of an influence on the Scouting program while I was a Scout than Green Bar Bill (William Hillcourt). Nor has anyone since. I was a pleasure to meet him in 1983 and get his signature to remember the event. Although, I do not need the autograph to remember meeting the man who wrote my Scout Handbook and getting to shake his hand. (The left hand of course).

Great note. Now it’s your turn. Send me a photo of your favorite item for Memorabilia Monday. Here’s how:

  • Take a high-res .jpg image of your favorite Scouting item.
  • Just select one to send us (we know that picking one could be hard, but please try!).
  • The file must be less than 2 MB in size.
  • E-mail it to us with the subject line “Memorabilia” to
  • Include your name, position, and council.
  • Tell us why this item is special to you.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.