I could write a lengthy introduction to this blog post about Scouting-themed cake ideas. I could tell you how these 29 mouthwatering photos come from Cub Scout blue and gold banquets, troop anniversaries and Eagle Scout courts of honor.
But why bother when you’re going to skip straight to the dessert anyway?
Via Dodd S.Via Dodd S.Via Melody A.By Sharon J. for Troop 242’s (Patterson, La.) Christmas court of honor. All ingredients were edible.By Ann L. for her pack’s blue and gold banquet.By Sandra S of Pekin, Ill. This cake is actually made up of a number of cupcakes that can be pulled apart and eaten.Via TammyVia Sheila D. One of two cakes made for Pack 416’s (Gainesville, Fla.) blue and gold.Via Sheila D. One of two cakes made for Pack 416’s (Gainesville, Fla.) blue and gold.Via Brayden B. Made by Brayden’s friend for Brayden and Tyler D.’s court of honor.By Chelle Cakes, Rochelle Wunderlich.By Chelle Cakes, Rochelle WunderlichVia Danielle N. of Connecticut.Made by Rachelle P. for Cub Scout Pack 659 of Escondido, Calif. The only parts that weren’t edible on the 2-foot-tall cake were the flag, hat and achievement pins. The cake was designed to look like an old weathered leather trunk.Via Lisa D. of Troop 443 in Sparks, Nev. These cake pops cakes were made by Sugar Rush, a Reno bakery.Via Rusty L. of Troop 380, Arlington, Texas.Via Rusty L. of Troop 380, Arlington, Texas.Via Rusty L. of Troop 380, Arlington, Texas.Via Rusty L. of Troop 380, Arlington, Texas.By Amelia L. Notice how the paw prints change to little footprints.Via Robert P. of Troop 70, Queens, N.Y. Made by his stepdaughter to celebrate the troop’s 50th anniversary.Via Sabrina L. Cake by Kimberly S. to celebrate Bryan L.’s court of honor.Via Tonia M. Her son Riley’s Eagle Scout cake tells his story of his journey to Eagle. It includes the purple neckerchief from his Germany/Portugal Scout trip, Order of the Arrow sash, Troop 82 achievements and more.By Rina M.By Rina M.Via Carol P.By Meggan H. and Kim K. of Medford, N.Y.By Meggan H. and Kim K. of Medford, N.Y.
Hungry for more?
Click here or here or here for more Scouting-themed cakes.
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