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National Jamboree

Waiting is the hardest part

We at Cracker Barrel can’t wait for the 2010 National Scout Jamboree, and we’ve literally been counting down the seconds till it gets here. For those of you who haven’t been watching the clock as

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What's New

Knot of the Week: Community Organization Award

When representatives from the vast network of chartered Scouting organizations speak, the BSA listens. Want proof? Look no further than the Community Organization Award. It began when a group of delegates from several chartered organizations

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What's New

Name That Council: July 17, 2009

Sports fans might recognize the location depicted on this week’s patch as the site of a recent major athletic event. If not, the landmark is recognizable enough that it shouldn’t throw you too much of

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Scouting in the News

The digital divide

Technology: You gotta love it. It allows Scouters to stay connected and helps the BSA reach new audiences in interesting ways. Most importantly, without technology this blog wouldn’t exist. But when it comes to enjoying

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What's New

Name That Council: July 10, 2009

We’ve been impressed with the amateur sleuths who’ve responded to our previous nine Name That Council challenges. You’ve tracked down some pretty obscure council locations just from the patch designs. So we’re digging into our