Thirsty? If you’re not now, you will be in a couple months—summer is right around the corner! Be prepared for thirst with this package of water-purification gear offered in the JUST ADD WATER GIVEAWAY, starting
Darkness. Close spaces. Underground tunnels. Most people do what they can to avoid these environments. Bill Steele seeks them out in caves around the globe. Instead of claustrophobia, “I have claustromania,” laughs Steele, director of
Wanna get your hands dirty at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree? Pitch in and serve on staff. There are plenty of cool jobs available to help pull off what’s sure to be a memorable jamboree
It’s not too late to plan a way for your Scout unit to honor the 10-year anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001. Gather together, grab a big screen, and watch the film New York Says Thank You at
The Community Organization Award square knot might not be easy to earn, but it’s now easier to get. You can buy the knot, recognizing Scouters’ volunteer achievements in national charter organizations such as the Elks,