How to experience NOAC 2022 without leaving your home

When it comes to sheer size and scope, there’s only one official Scouting event that compares to the National Order of the Arrow Conference. While we have to wait another 12 months for that one, NOAC 2022 is just a few weeks away.

If you’ve already signed up … awesome! We can’t wait to see you at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville July 25-30!

If not, no worries … you can experience NOAC from home by registering as a remote delegate.

NOAC is known as the place for Arrowmen to share ideas, attend training sessions and make new friends. Remote delegates get to do all that, too, even though they are unable to attend in person.

“Remote delegates will receive the same conference memorabilia as in-person delegates and will have access to live trainings, panel discussions, special events, activities and each of the nightly arena shows,” says OA communications conference vice chief Eli Hattersley. “As a remote delegate, not only will you be able to stream all of the best NOAC has to offer live, you will also have on-demand access to all streaming content.”

Who can register as a delegate?

In-person NOAC attendees must be registered members of both the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow as of the conference start date. Remote delegates need only be registered members of the BSA with up-to-date Youth Protection Training.

That means attending as a remote delegate is not only a great option for Arrowmen who can’t attend in person, but it’s also a great option for other Scouts and adult leaders to get a glimpse of what the OA is all about.

If you’re a parent who’s registered with the BSA and has a child that is attending in person, you can sign up as a remote delegate to find out what all the fuss is about.

“This option is great for adult Arrowmen who were unable to get time off work to attend, parents of Arrowmen who need to stay home to take care of their other children or Arrowmen who aren’t able to attend because of school or an internship,” says Hattersley.

One of the best parts of attending NOAC in person is meeting new friends and becoming part of a very special community for those five days. Remote delegates will get a similar experience, participating in an online community thanks to a virtual platform designed specifically for the conference. (All BSA youth protection policies — especially those regarding digital privacy — will apply.)

What else can remote delegates do?

NOAC is known for its friendly competitions. Over the years, there have been dance competitions, OA ceremony competitions and competitions for the best OA-related websites and newsletters.

Remote delegates will be able to participate in a conference-wide game designed especially for them.

“Like a long-anticipated family reunion, it will feel so good to reconnect with each other and celebrate our organization,” Hattersley says.

The remote delegate registration system is open now and will be available throughout the conference. You can register through the National OA Event Registration System.

The cost to attend NOAC as a remote delegate is just $75.

About Aaron Derr 526 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.