Bookmark this page for when it’s time to apply for NESA scholarships

Every year, the National Eagle Scout Association bestows scholarships upon Eagle Scouts pursuing higher education. These scholarships are made possible by generous donors and NESA members that help the alumni organization to continue developing young adults beyond their traditional Scouting experience.

To find out more on how to join NESA, click here.

Some scholarships are part of the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year awards. You can read about recent regional and national winners here.

Other scholarships Eagle Scouts who meet certain eligibility requirements can apply for include:

Lawrence S. and Mabel Cooke Scholarship
One scholarship of up to $48,000 (up to $12,000 per year for four years) and four $25,000 scholarships (up to $6,250 a year for four years) awarded annually to an Eagle Scout who has shown academic performance, financial need and active participation in school and Scouting activities. Established by Lawrence S. Cooke in memory of his late wife, Mabel Cooke.

National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship
$5,000 scholarships awarded on a regional basis to Eagle Scouts who have shown active participation in school, Scouting activities and community service.

Hall/McElwain Scholarship
$5,000 scholarships awarded on a regional basis to Eagle Scouts who have shown active participation in school, Scouting activities and community service.

Palmer Scholarship
Three $2,500 scholarships awarded to Eagle Scouts who have shown active participation in school, Scouting activities and community service.

The application window for scholarships this year will open in December. At that time, check the National Eagle Scout Association website to find applications. Another scholarship page to bookmark is this one, which includes scholarships for Scouts, Sea Scouts and Venturers from Scouting committees, universities and high-adventure bases.

Scholarship winners

Out of 3,500 applicants from the last application window, 45 scholarship winners were selected and awarded in May. Congratulations to all of them and good luck in their endeavors!

Scholarship Winners Council
Greg Brown Silicon Valley Monterey Bay
Laura Sun Silicon Valley Monterey Bay
Kyle Li Greater Los Angeles Area
Conner Michael Huey Chief Seattle Council
Jonathan Patrick Bergler Orange County Council
Caleb Jonathan Pipes Aloha Council
John D. IV Campbell Greater Los Angeles Area
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Crowley Cascade Pacific Council
Cassidy Rose Christian Denver Area Council
Mason Wade McNeilly Inland Northwest Council
William Upfield Ellsworth Southern Sierra Council
Riley MacKay Petersen Grand Canyon Council
James Michael Culpepper Tuscarora Council
Dalson Jordan Daniel Boone Council
Elijah Curtis Lapeza South Georgia Council
Jordan Bendix Diliberto Southeast Louisiana Council
Ethan Louis Ong Circle Ten Council
Patrick Roca Alamo Area Council
Michael Alexander Karmondi Greater Alabama Council
Arman Tavallaei Sam Houston Area Council
Jordan Adam McKay Thacker Blue Grass Council
Hannah Kathryn Bailey Middle Tennessee Council
Erik W Covington Blue Ridge Mountains Council
Nikolas Liepins Northern Star Council
Paul David Schlotman Mid-America Council
Luke Alan Foye Three Harbors Council
Gavin William Knapp Greater St. Louis Area Council
Dominick Lawrence Tadewald Northeast Illinois
Jonah H Hensley Ozark Trails Council
James Michael Normile Miami Valley Council
Jared James Schultz Northern Star Council
Steven Robert Jr. Buer Mid-America Council
Joseph Michael Rohde Ohio River Valley Council
Noah Howard-Andy Chukwuma Michigan Crossroads
Amritha Kavi Jacob Theodore Roosevelt Council
Duncan Francis Wallace Korkosz Daniel Webster Council
Alexis Mollet Northern New Jersey Council
Chase Alexander Gladstone National Capital Area Council
Jonathan Morris National Capital Area Council
Alexander Pearson Robbins Daniel Webster Council
John William Eschert Connecticut Rivers Council
William Thomas Brooks Baltimore Area Council
Kenneth Joseph Cox Mayflower Council
Ethan Kerr Connecticut Rivers Council


About Michael Freeman 475 Articles
Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines.