Eagle Scout Meet Harry Cooper of Missouri, one of the first Black Eagle Scouts February 15, 2021 8 Harry Cooper of Troop 92 from Kansas City, Mo., is one of the first Black Eagle Scouts in the history of the Boy Scouts of America.
Fun She created a geocaching trail that links together 14 Eagle Scout service projects February 12, 2021 5 Sarina created an Eagle Scout geocaching trail that links together 14 projects throughout the community of Winston-Salem, N.C.
Eagle Scout Remembering Mary Portis, believed to be the BSA’s first female Scout executive February 11, 2021 5 On Dec. 13, 1990, Mary Portis became what is believed to be the BSA’s first female Scout executive.
Eagle Scout For her Eagle project, she wrote a book aimed at building empathy February 10, 2021 3 Ava led a team of 25 volunteers as they designed, created and distributed a book and curriculum that teaches empathy.
Cub Scouting Unsung Hero: She thought quickly after her brother was burned by boiling water February 9, 2021 3 This North Carolina Arrow of Light Scout’s instincts kicked in when her younger brother was scalded by a pot of boiling water.
Eagle Scout To girls considering Scouts BSA, she says: ‘Don’t be afraid to do something that will change your life’ February 8, 2021 6 Jenna shares what she learned as a Scout, how we can recruit more young people and what she’d tell other girls about Scouting.
Venturing Inside the Venturing Newsletter, a publication created by and for Venturers February 5, 2021 0 Let’s go inside the Venturing Newsletter, a quarterly digital publication devised, written and designed by Venturers themselves.
Merit Badges Scouts can help test a merit badge resource app February 4, 2021 2 The BSA is seeking Scouts to beta-test a new app called the Merit Badge Helpers app.
Alumni Eight century-old quotes about Scouting that are still relevant today February 3, 2021 5 As we near the BSA’s birthday on Feb. 8, let’s look back on eight quotes from 1921 that are not-so-surprisingly still relevant today.
App Feed - Cub Scouts Get inspired by this never-ending list of virtual den meeting ideas! February 2, 2021 2 Check out the list of meeting ideas and comment with your own ideas for leaders looking to keep their Cub Scouts engaged and learning.