Scouting Show and Tell: Share photos of your favorite Dutch oven recipes

It’s time for Show and Tell, where Scouters show their favorite photos based on the topic and tell the story behind them.

Visit You can also email us at, or share via social media using #ScoutingShowandTell.

Upload a photo as a comment below. Just click the image icon at the bottom of any comment box and choose which file you’d like to upload. You can also drag an image file directly into the comment box. Max file size is 2 MB, and you can upload these kinds of photos: JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG.

If you open the January-February issue of Scouting, you’ll notice a new feature sporting the “Scouting Show & Tell” title. Yes, we want to highlight how you make Scouting shine in future issues of Scouting magazine.

In the January-February issue, we showcased Cub Scout cakes that you submitted to us. Some were simple, some were elaborate, all looked delicious and awesome.

Next time, we want to spotlight your Dutch oven recipes.

For this Scouting Show and Tell, please share the following:

  • A photo of the finished dish
  • A description on how to make it
  • Your unit number and hometown
  • A few sentences explaining when you made it and how well your dish was received

About Michael Freeman 461 Articles
Michael Freeman, an Eagle Scout, is an associate editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines.