Challenge yourself with Scouting magazine’s January-February ‘Where Am I?’ contest

Brr! Grab a jacket and take a look at the picture above. Read through the clues and take a guess — you could be chosen as the winner of the Where Am I? Contest, earning you a $100 gift card to or your local Scout shop.

Important: Don’t leave your guess as a comment below; submit it at this link for a chance to win.

The contest ends Feb. 17.

November-December 2016 contest winner

We randomly selected the entry from reader Robert Austin from West Babylon, N.Y., to receive a $100 Supply Group gift card for correctly guessing the answer to our November-December 2016 contest, “Desert Dreams.”

Out of 324 entries, his was one of many who guessed the correct destination: White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.

Congratulations, and enjoy the gift card!

Photo by Yanbing Shi

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.