Eat healthier, get more exercise and read more. We hear about the same old resolutions New Year after New Year.
So I asked Scouting magazine readers for their BSA-focused resolutions for the new year. Here are 10 of my favorites.
1. Recruit more Cub Scouts
Derek B. wants to “recruit even more Cub Scouts to our program this coming year,” he writes.
For pack and den recruiting resources, go here.
2. Earn Journey to Excellence Gold
Jeremy H. wants to earn Gold in Journey to Excellence in 2017 for his team, troop and pack. “It’s a lot harder than it sounds for our team, let me tell you,” he writes. “But we might just pull it off with our leaders this year.”
What is JTE? Excellent question.
3. Take Wood Badge
Jerome K. wants to take Wood Badge, Scouting’s excellent training course for adult leaders. Why? “To be a better-educated leader for my 14 scouts in my den,” he writes.
Robin D. and Cristyn K. have already finished the in-person portion of Wood Badge and now want to finish their tickets.
What’s life like before, during and after Wood Badge? I’m glad you asked.
4. Lose weight for Philmont
Martha wants to “lose another 30 pounds by the beginning of May,” she writes. “Our trek at Philmont is in June.”
Read about one Scout dad’s quest to lose 75 pounds and hike with his son at Philmont.
5. Encourage Scouts to continue down the advancement trail
Heather B. wants to “encourage and enable my sons to finish those last three Eagle-required badges,” she writes.
For ideas on helping Scouts reach Eagle before time runs out, click here.
6. Maintain work-life-Scouting balance
Lou S. wants to “strike a better balance between Scouting and the other parts of my life,” he writes. Playing off a session from Wood Badge, he wants to “take the ‘Big Rocks’ lesson more to heart and actually practice it.”
How do you find time for Scouting, family and your busy life? Read these tips.
7. Commit to the patrol method in Boy Scouting
One Scoutmaster wants to “continue using the patrol method and steer the adults away so that the boys can learn from their mistakes,” he writes. “It’s okay to fail … it’s how we all learn.”
Read this beginner’s guide to the patrol method.
8. Increase roundtable attendance
David C. has 50 Scouters attend his district’s monthly roundtable but wants to increase that number to 100 Scouters per month. Wow!
For ways to increase roundtable attendance, go here.
9. Attend or staff the 2017 National Jamboree
Jeremy M. wants to “get on staff for jamboree and have a great time.”
To learn more about the big Scouting celebration in West Virginia, go here.
10. Grow Sea Scouting and Venturing
Todd S. wants to “help the Sea Scout Ships around us grow,” he writes. Mark M. wants to grow his crew and start a council Venturing Officers’ Association.
For the latest Sea Scout news, be sure to check out the Sea Scout website. Venturers and Venturing leaders, you have a new website, too.
11 and beyond?
What’s your Scouting-related resolution? Leave a comment below, and best wishes in the new year.
A Scoutmaster’s minute to try this week
Top photo: From the January 1950 issue of Scouting magazine.
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