Lion pilot program brings Scouting to kindergartners in nearly 200 councils

The BSA’s Lion pilot program for kindergarten-age boys has reached a new level: full roar.

Families have been telling the BSA they crave a Scouting program for younger boys, and the organization has responded with an expansion of its Lion pilot to nearly 200 councils.

“Combined with the beginning of formal education, the Lion pilot program helps cultivate positive character-building experiences that are vital for young boys at this stage in their childhood development,” Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive, said in a Scouting Newsroom story.

This fall, councils from Texas, Minnesota, Maine, Florida, Hawaii, Alaska and beyond are registering new Lions, Lion guides and Lion parents. (See the full list of 199 participating councils in this PDF.)

In all, 49 states — all but North Dakota — plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia have councils piloting Lions. The overseas Transatlantic and Far East councils are joining the party, too.

Lions: the basics

The Lion pilot program, developed by experts in both child education and Scouting, serves as an introduction to Cub Scouting. The Lion badge is a precursor to the Tiger rank.

Lions must be 5 years old by Sept. 30 but not yet 7. They’ll be members of the Cub Scout pack, attend pack meetings and have approximately two den meetings a month. They’ll learn the two-finger Cub Scout sign and Cub Scout salute, and they’ll recite the Cub Scout motto: Do Your Best.

Wearing a Lion T-shirt with an optional cap, boys earn the Lion badge by completing five fun, age-appropriate adventures. W

hen an adventure is completed, the youth receives a sticker to put in his Lion Adventure Book.

Learn more

Scouting Wire has launched a new Lion hub with resources like an FAQs, PowerPoint orientation and Lion promo materials. Be sure to bookmark it.

Lion guide and parent orientation video

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.