Philmont Advisor Skills School, coming to a city near you, gets you trek-ready

Hiking around your neighborhood wearing a brick-filled backpack is a good way to get your body in shape for Philmont.

But what about your mind?

That’s where the Philmont Advisor Skills School and Philmont Advisor Workshop really shine.

These courses — offered both at Philmont and in a city near you — are designed for adult advisors signed up to take a Philmont trek in 2017 or 2018. But, really, anyone interested in learning more about Philmont is invited.

If you’re committed to making your Philmont trek a great experience for the guys and girls in your troop or crew, you really should make plans to attend. Successful Philmont crews begin regular planning meetings and practice hikes more than a year before their trek, and these courses focus your efforts with information straight from the source.

Last year, more than 1,100 people attended. This year, that number will be even higher.

There are three flavors of courses, which I categorize as good, better and best.

Philmont Advisor Workshop

Good: Philmont Advisor Workshop

What: Two-hour evening workshops covering the basics about gear, conditioning and crew leadership

Where: Cities across the country.

When: The first course is Sept. 7. The final course is Nov. 10.

Cost: $10.

Website: Learn more, see dates and cities, and register at this link.


Better: Philmont Advisor Skills School in the Field (Field–PASS)

What: One-day (eight-hour) courses that go in depth on backcountry and logistical fundamentals of Philmont. You even get to try a Philmont-style trail lunch and dinner — so you know what kind of food you can expect.

Where: Cities across the country.

When: The first course is Sept. 10. The final course is Nov. 13.

Cost: $40.

Website: Learn more, see dates and cities, and register at this link.


Best: Philmont Advisor Skills School at Philmont (PSR–PASS)

What: Four-day, three-night courses offering the ultimate guide to a Philmont trek. Because people learn best by doing, participants at PSR–PASS head into the Philmont backcountry for an overnight experience that will prepare them for their actual trek.

Where: Philmont Scout Ranch in Northern New Mexico.

When: These weekends (all are Friday to Monday)

  • Sept. 9-12
  • Sept. 16-19
  • Sept. 23-26
  • Oct. 7-10
  • Oct. 14-17
  • Oct. 21-24
  • Oct. 28-31

Cost: $99.

Website: Learn more and register at this link.

PASS and PAW video

Prefer your information in video form? Philmont has you covered:

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.