Suggest a topic for a future ScoutCast

scoutcast-logo1Listen up! The team behind ScoutCast, the monthly podcast that fills your ears with tips to make your job as a Scouter easier, needs ideas for future episodes.

ScoutCast is meant to help supplement conversations you have at roundtable. So consider what topics you should be discussing at roundtable but, for whatever reason, aren’t. Or if — gasp — you don’t go to roundtable, think about Scouting subjects you’d like to know more about.

Maybe it’s a problem plaguing your troop. Or perhaps you’re excited about a BSA program element but don’t know how to implement it.

If it’s on your mind, chances are you aren’t alone. Other Scouters will benefit from a thoughtful discussion on the topic.

How to suggest an episode topic

You have several options:

  • Leave a comment below. I’m told the ScoutCast team will check this post and read your ideas.
  • Send an email to The team prefers this method to all others.
  • Tweet to @bsascoutcast.

If you’re interested in being a guest on the show, include contact info in your email. It’s probably best not to share contact info as a comment below or on Twitter.

What about CubCast?

The schedule for CubCast, the podcast for Cub Scout leaders, is more full in the coming months.

Still, the team is always open to suggestions about topics or ways to make it an even better tool.

About Bryan Wendell 3282 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.