High-Adventure Week: Summit Bechtel Reserve offers an attractive array of 2015 programs

HAW-ThursdaySkating, biking or zip-lining, rafting or climbing — whatever your Scouts or Venturers are into, the Summit Bechtel Reserve has them covered.

The Summit Bechtel Reserve, the fourth of four national high-adventure bases I’m covering this week, is the BSA’s newest adventure destination. The West Virginia wonderland boasts world-class activities you won’t find at non-Scouting competitors.

SBR’s 2015 offerings come in three flavors: national high-adventure base, national Scout camp and national training center.

Registration is open now for 2015; 2016 info should follow shortly.

For more details about next summer at the Summit Bechtel Reserve, read on.

The Paul R. Christen National High Adventure Base

Scouts and Venturers choose from 11 different high-adventure courses. One is an overview of everything SBR offers, six focus primarily on one of SBR’s action areas and four give the maximum challenge to Scouts/Venturers with more advanced skill sets.

Each of these courses is seven days, Sunday to Saturday. The season begins June 7, 2015, and the last session begins Aug. 9, 2015

Here are the 11 options. The minimum participant age is 13 by Sept. 1 of the year attending, unless otherwise noted.

  • Summit Experience ($759): Try all nine of SBR’s adventure sports venues
  • The River ($939): Kayaking and whitewater rafting
  • Helmets & Harnesses ($769): Rock climbing, challenge courses, canopy tours
  • Tires & Trails ($829): Mountain biking, including cross-country and downhill
  • Berms & Bars ($779): BMX riding, including dirt jumping, racing and freestyle
  • Ramps & Rails ($779): Skateboarding, including street, bowls, vert and jumping
  • Advanced Kayaking ($1199, Ages 16+)
  • Advanced Climbing ($1199, Ages 16+)
  • Advanced Mountain Biking ($879, Ages 16+)
  • Adventure Photography ($779)

To register or learn more about SBR’s high-adventure base, go here.

James C. Justice National Scout Camp

The idea of a national Scout camp may seem foreign to you. I know it was to me.

But it makes sense when you read this from SBR’s description of its James C. Justice National Scout Camp: “This program is designed to provide advancement opportunities to Venturers and senior Scouts who have already attended local council Scout camps.”

Some Scouts who have attended summer camp with your unit year after year might be ready for something different in 2015.

At the SBR summer camp, Scouts and Venturers can continue their program advancement and still have time to learn new skills, make new friends and experience a Scout Camp environment never before available in Scouting.

The $399-per-person camp runs from Sundays to Saturdays beginning June 7, 2015. The last session begins Aug. 9, 2015.

In addition to enjoying certain SBR activities, Scout Camp participants can earn Climbing, Kayaking, Archery, Cycling, Sustainability, Wilderness Survival, Search & Rescue, Geocaching and Whitewater merit badges.

To register or learn more about the SBR summer camp, go here.

Summit Bechtel Reserve National Training Center

Scouting will double its number of national training centers when SBR’s officially opens in 2016.

In doing so it’ll join the highly successful Philmont Training Center in helping Scouters hone their leadership and outdoor skills.

Though its official opening occurs a year later, the SBR training center will offer some 2015 courses you won’t want to miss.

Here’s a list of what’s offered. For a closer look, be sure to check out the SBR website.

  • River Guide School ($1199)
  • Mountain Biking Instructor School ($929)
  • American Mountain Guides Association  Single Pitch Climbing Instructor ($1199)
  • Association for Challenge Course Technology Level 1 Practitioner ($829)
  • National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) ($395)
  • Summit Leadership Challenge ($525)
  • GIS/Orienteering ($525)
  • Unit Key-3 Retreat ($525)
  • District Key-3 Retreat ($525)
  • Wilderness First Aid: Instructor Trainer Development ($525)

To register or learn more about SBR’s national training center, go here.

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Photo from the Summit Bechtel Reserve’s Flickr page.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.