OA Lodge History Initiative makes sure no story is forgotten

Storytelling is a vital part of American Indian culture, in which true tales are passed from one generation to the next.

It’s similarly important in the Order of the Arrow, the Scouting honor society that uses American Indian-style traditions and ceremonies.

That’s why the Order of the Arrow Lodge History Initiative is so vital. The project, timed in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the OA in 2015, aims to preserve each lodge’s unique story to make sure it’s never lost to the erosion of time.

The National Scouting Museum has partnered with the “Green Bar Bill” Hillcourt Trust to sponsor the OA Lodge History Initiative.

Robert Mason, a young Divinity student at Duke University, has organized efforts to have all 300 OA lodges produce a lodge history.

Mason’s team publishes a monthly email newsletter, “The Historian Gazette,” to help guide local lodge historians and their advisors. On the first Sunday evening of each month, a topical webinar is held as a means to bring together lodge historians. Topics thus far have included “How to Get Started,” “How to Interview People,” “Writing Fundamentals,” “Basics of Editing” and “Dealing with Sensitive Topics.”

Mason says that to date about 150 lodge historians and adult advisors have been reached. However, more are needed.

Where you come in

Make sure your lodge’s unique history is never forgotten by ensuring participation in this important project.

Learn more at the Lodge History Book website.

H/T Thanks to National Scouting Museum Director Janice Babineaux for the post idea.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.