Tuesday Talkback: Getting more Scouts to attend Order of the Arrow events

Tuesday-TalkbackThe Order of the Arrow is not a secret society, but in some troops it might as well be.

These troops go through the first steps of getting Scouts elected into Scouting’s national honor society and through their Ordeal.

But after that, these new Arrowmen become ghosts, never seen at a lodge meeting, dance event, section conclave, National Order of the Arrow Conference or any other OA function.

Too bad, because Order of the Arrow members have tons of fun and experience the brotherhood of cheerful service that can enhance the Scouting experience, especially for older boys who may feel like they’ve seen all Scouting has to offer at the troop level.

So here’s the Tuesday Talkback topic for today: How would you characterize the level of OA participation in your troop? How can you, as a Scouter, increase your Scouts’ involvement in the Order of the Arrow?

You know what to do: Leave your responses in the comments section below.

What other Scouters said

Read ideas from when this topic was posed in a past issue of Scouting magazine.

Other Tuesday Talkbacks

Conversations from previous weeks are still ongoing. Join them now.

Photo from Flickr:  Some rights reserved by stevejb68

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.