My biggest gripe about the holidays isn’t the endless electronics ads, the pumpkin-spice overload or the inflated airfares. It’s the timing.
The Scouting year hits its stride right as the holidays arrive. Most packs, troops and crews have built up tons of positive momentum right when Thanksgiving and Hanukkah — followed closely by Christmas and Kwanzaa — come along. Blink twice, and it’s 2014. Units that hibernate for the season lose six weeks and essentially must start from scratch in January.
Now don’t get me wrong; I love holiday time spent with family and friends. I’m just looking for a best-of-both-worlds scenario that lets Scout units stay strong even during the season of out-of-town visitors, family vacations and holiday stress.
But how do you do it?
Start by reading Mark Ray’s excellent Scouting magazine piece called “Ideas to help your pack build — not lose — momentum during the holidays.” You’ll find some great suggestions there.
Then join this week’s Tuesday Talkback discussion by sharing your tips for helping your Scout unit survive the holiday season ready for a great 2014.
Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!
More Tuesday Talkbacks
Photo from Flickr: Some rights reserved by WoofBC
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