You the Life Scouts and Eagle Scouts of the Boy Scouts of America, in Order to form a more perfect understanding of the U.S. Constitution, establish awareness of our nation’s Founding Documents, and secure some Free Money, do indeed need to enter this Bill of Rights Institute Eagle Scout Competition
OK, so maybe my version of the Preamble doesn’t match the original, but it still contains an important message.
That message: The Bill of Rights Institute, a nonprofit educational organization “whose mission is to educate young people on the ideas of the Constitution and the rights it protects,” has launched its second annual Eagle Scout Competition.
One grand prize winner will score $1,000 for himself and $500 for his unit. Two runners-up get $500 for themselves and $250 for their units.
To enter, Life Scouts and Eagle Scouts between the ages of 14 and 19 must write two short essays based on the topics listed below. The deadline — Feb. 10, 2014 — will be here before you can say “more perfect Union,” so send this to your Life Scouts and Eagle Scouts right away.
Complete rules and info after the jump.
- Who: Life Scouts and Eagle Scouts between the ages of 14-19
- What: Answer two short essays on the ideas of the Constitution
- Deadline: Feb. 10, 2014
- Win: Grand Prize – $1,000 for one Scout and $500 for his Unit
- 2 Honorable Mentions – $500 and $250 for their Units
- Apply Online: http://billofrightsinstitute.org/eaglescout
- Contact: bbyrd@billofrightsinstitute.org
The Competition is structured around two short essays (500 word maximum) related to the Constitution and the Founding Principles. The topics are:
1) James Madison, often referred to as the Father of the Constitution, said in Federalist 51 that:
“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.”
Read the U.S. Constitution and find 2 examples of “controls on government.” Explain why these specific controls are important and their relevance today.
2) Consider the following quote – “The First Amendment is dramatically inconvenient. It requires us to tolerate the very bad in order to protect the unpopular but good.” Do you agree or disagree? Defend your argument using examples.
Support the Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund
Contribute to the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Scholarship Fund. Donations to this fund go directly to providing scholarships to deserving Eagle Scouts, allowing them to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.
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