The Ask the Expert floodgates are wide open. I’m now getting roughly 50 emails a week with Ask the Expert questions, a sign that Scouters out there care enough to seek out the right answer
With the finish line tantalizingly close, you’ll never guess what slowed down John L. on his trail to Eagle. John, a Life Scout from Texas, had finished his position of responsibility requirements and completed his Eagle
The journey to Eagle benefits more than just the young man who earns the award. He leaves his community a better place, most visibly through his Eagle Scout Service Project. I’ve blogged about how to
When summertime fires break out in northern New Mexico or southern Colorado, there’s understandable concern within the Scouting community about Philmont Scout Ranch, located in northeastern New Mexico. First, the good news: There are no fires
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers go out of their way to help others. Often that takes shape as a pack, troop, or crew service project. Those service projects — totaling nearly 13.5 million hours
Want proof as to how passionate Scout volunteers are about the Boy Scouts of America? Just look at my inbox. Last week, I provided answers to eight frequently asked questions, and at the end of
You can learn the proper and improper ways to use BSA logos, the exact specs on official BSA colors, and tips on websites, social media, and photography.
A Scout is Helpful, and the folks in Texas and Oklahoma whose lives were uprooted by recent tornadoes need our help. Thousands of people, including Scouts and Scouters, have been affected by these disasters. Scouting professionals
Update June 7, 11:12 a.m.: We stand at an impressive 683 pins! Keep commenting with the location you’re visiting (be as specific as possible) and your unit number. I’ll update the map regularly. Perhaps the
So far, Ask the Expert posts have offered one often-lengthy answer to one complicated Scouting question. You can read past posts here. Perhaps a question you have is answered there. But now it’s time for