With apologies to the ubiquitous convenience store chain, more Eagle Scout projects went up last year alone than the total number of 7-Elevens currently open worldwide.
Yes, the number of 2012 Eagle Scout projects bested the number of worldwide 7-Elevens by a score of 58,659 to 50,250.
I bring up this incongruous comparison to remind you that there’s an Eagle Scout project on every corner. There’s probably one within walking distance from you right now. Think about the scale of this for a second: Some 50,000 new Eagle Scout projects are completed each year. That’s roughly 137 significant improvements to the community every day, improvements created by the best, brightest, and most-prepared leaders around.
The Eagle Scout Service Project is a remarkably powerful force that’s transforming our country for the better each time a city park, church, or school gets repaired and beautified.
Let’s celebrate this transformation by looking at 25 great Eagle Scout projects. And like any good makeover, the best way to appreciate the change is through before-and-after photos. Enjoy, and congrats to these young men.
Allen – BeforeAllen – After. Allen repaired the entrance to the Salado College National Historic Site.Andrew – BeforeAndrew – AfterBlake – BeforeBlake – After. Blake erected a flagpole and created a beautification project.Cody – BeforeCody – AfterDavid – BeforeDavid – After. David built a gazebo at the public library.Enoch – BeforeEnoch – After. Enoch built and installed an Amateur Radio Digital Repeater.Erik from Ill. – BeforeErik from Ill. – After. Renovations of American Legion Post 1170 banquet hall.Erik from Minn. – BeforeErik from Minn. – After. Weaver Lake School Outdoor Classroom.Ethan – BeforeEthan – After. Ethan built a 70-foot-long fence at the Heard Raptor Rehabilitation Center in McKinney, Texas, to keep visitors from approaching the bird enclosures. (Bryan says: Hey, that’s where I did my Eagle project!)George – BeforeGeorge – AfterJacob – BeforeJacob – AfterJiacheng Jason – BeforeJiacheng Jason – AfterJonathan – BeforeJonathan – After. Jonathan helped with a city park restoration.Joshua – BeforeJoshua – AfterJuan Luis – BeforeJuan Luis – After. Juan Luis built for the campsite in the Botanical Garden of Caguas City, Puerto Rico.Marc – BeforeMarc – AfterMatthew from Ind. – BeforeMatthew from Ind. – AfterNathan from Tenn. – BeforeNathan from Tenn. – After. Nathan raised about $2,000 and spent over 300 hours clearing away vegetation, removing the old fence, installing a new fence, and repairing tombstones at a cemetery.Nathan from N.Y. – BeforeNathan from N.Y. – AfterNik – BeforeNik – After. Nik replaced a worn and dangerous outside staircase at George Washington’s boyhood home, Ferry Farm, in Stafford County Virginia.Patrick – BeforePatrick – After. Patrick built 16-foot diameter, handicap-accessible gazebo for the local nursing home.Richard – BeforeRichard – After. Richard rehabbed a church outdoor worship area.Tom – BeforeTom – After. Tom planted 15 trees throughout the Little League field complex and added safety and directional signs.Trevor – BeforeTrevor – After. Trevor rebuilt stairs at Brophy Road Cemetery for St. John Catholic Church.Tyler – BeforeTyler – After. Tyler removed weeds, constructed a bike rack and added mulch at a women’s shelter.
Support the Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund
Contribute to the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Scholarship Fund. Donations to this fund go directly to providing scholarships to deserving Eagle Scouts, allowing them to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world.