What could possibly bring Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout? to a screeching halt? See for yourself—no spoiler alerts, here—tonight at 8 p.m./7 p.m. Central when the next episode of the National Geographic Channel’s
It’s mid-March. That means Phase 2 of the Boy Scouts of America’s three-month family discussion has shifted into high gear. The BSA calls this phase “Listening,” and that’s exactly what the organization is doing. Scheduled
What’s on the menu for the revamped Cooking merit badge, served up later this year? The BSA’s volunteer-led team isn’t ready to dish on the main course just yet, but I was authorized to give
There’s another side to Philmont where training, not trekking, takes center stage. The Philmont Training Center, the BSA’s national volunteer education facility, hosts more than 5,000 Scouters and family members each summer for its signature
More than 439,000 households tuned in to the premiere of Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout? on Monday, meaning 439,000 homes got a firsthand look at the excitement Scouting offers boys and girls. (Read my
What do President Barack Obama, New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin, author Homer Hickam, actor Chuck Norris, and NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal all have in common? No, they’re not the five famous people I’d
Common sense. We see it so rarely in politics these days that it’s big news whenever it shows up. Take the recent news that the Michigan Department of Human Services told the Michigan Crossroads Council that it
Let me stop you right here. I know what you’re thinking, but, no, this is not a merit badge Scouts earn by playing video games. Now that I’ve dispelled that common misconception, here’s the real
Update | April 23, 2013: The TSA announced yesterday that it was postponing the rule allowing small knives on planes. There was no new date announced for the policy change, so stay tuned. The original post
If your troop has 25 boys, odds are three of them have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a CDC report. Yes, 12 percent of boys ages 3 to 17 have been