American Scouts weren’t the only ones making capital visits this week

While representatives from the Boy Scouts of America toured the nation’s capital this week, guys and girls from Scouts Canada did the same — only 500 miles to the north.

The BSA’s Report to the Nation was delivered this week in Washington, D.C. (Get caught up and follow along here.)

But in Ottawa, Ontario — Canada’s capital city — Tuesday was Scouts Day on the Hill, an opportunity for the red-clad Scouts to meet with politicians and dignitaries all the way up to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, pictured above.

Scouts Canada — our northern neighbor, fellow World Organization of the Scout Movement member, and co-host for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree — has 100,000 members nationwide, including boys and girls age 5-26.

Check out a few tweets and photos from Tuesday’s big day:

Main photo from Flickr: All rights reserved by PM Stephen Harper

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.