Have you ever run across a great Cub Scout activity on the Web and wished there was an easy way to file the information for later use? (And I’m not talking about writing down the URL address on last night’s dinner napkin.) Enter Pinterest.com.
This clean-cut Web site, with its all-white background and crisp tableau of images, allows users to create their own visual “pin boards” to capture ideas, stories, and scraps of inspiration themed around a topic (like “Great Camping Destinations”) for later use and/or to share with other “Pinners.”
Because the editors at Scouting aim to arm volunteers with the best resources needed to help lead pack, troop, team, and crew activities, we’ve launched our own Scouting magazine Pinterest page. What does this mean? Now you can “follow” Scouting-themed pin boards relevant to your interests—whether it’s “Great Gear,” “Cub Scout Snacks,” “Scouting Cakes,” “Boy Scout Activities,” and much more.
As we scour the Internet for story ideas, useful information, or even a laugh, we’ll share these Web sites—as well as our own self-produced material—on the Scouting magazine Pinterest boards. Follow along to view a digital scrapbook of ideas and inspiration to help you serve Scouts.
Each “pinned” photo links back to the original Web page where it was first published—allowing you to click the image and easily find that excellent Dutch oven recipe idea you ran across while Internet surfing months ago. (To learn even more technical details of how to use Pinterest.com, click here.)
Not a Pinterest member? Click here to request an invite to this content-management resource.
We hope you enjoy Pinterest.com‘s flexibility and ease of use as much as we do!
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