Outgoing Venturing National President Jennifer Lowe offers her five tips for success

2010-2011 National Venturing President Jennifer Lowe says her successor, Daniel Carriveau will be a "great leader" for Venturing.

It’s almost time to pass the baton.

But before National Venturing President Jennifer Lowe’s term ends in about two weeks, she has taken time to offer praise and some advice to her successor in the position, Daniel Carriveau (read my interview with Dan here).

Lowe and Carriveau spent the past year working together on the National Venturing Cabinet, where Carriveau served as Central Region Venturing President.

“Dan did an exceptional job,” she told me. “He often went above and beyond what was required of him.”

Lowe learned a lot in her yearlong term, and she’s happy to share some words of wisdom to Carriveau before she departs.

Though her words are meant for Carriveau, I found lessons here to use in Scouting, at the workplace, and at home. I’m sure you will, too.

Enough said; let’s get to it. Here are Jennifer Lowe’s Five Tips for Success:

  1. Be organized. Being the National Venturing President is a huge time commitment, but don’t worry. It is well worth every second! Organizing your calendar and e-mail accounts is really important and can help you be productive and efficient. Being organized helps you to find the right balance between Venturing, school, work, and a social life. Don’t forget to have fun!
  2. Be humble. If you don’t know an answer or don’t know how to do something, don’t be afraid to say so. People just want honest answers. If you are unsure of something, let them know that you will do your best to find out and get back to them instead of just giving them an answer you are unsure of. Volunteers will take what you say as fact, and it can get you into trouble if it’s incorrect. If you are assigned a task that you don’t feel capable of, admit that you need help. Admitting that isn’t admitting that you are weak or unintelligent. These can be great learning opportunities!
  3. Be friendly. Be outgoing and say hi to everyone. You get the incredible opportunity to meet Scouts from all over the country, and if you’re lucky, maybe all over the world. The only smiles and handshakes that are regretted are the ones that weren’t given. People really look up to you. Make them feel how important they are by showing genuine interest and being friendly.
  4. Be a team player. You are in a pretty amazing leadership position, but you aren’t expected to succeed all on your own. Successes are a lot sweeter when you get to share them with your dedicated National Venturing Cabinet. One person’s work is never quite as good as the work of many. Seek out the opinions and input of your region Venturing presidents as you work on projects.
  5. Be yourself. You are unique, and you have the ability to contribute something that no one before you has. Take in every moment. Learn from the mistakes and be proud of your accomplishments. Get ready for the greatest ride of your life! Hold on tight because it will a whirlwind of a year!

Thanks, Jennifer, and congratulations on a great year. And I’ll join Jennifer in wishing the best of luck to Dan as he begins his term on June 1.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.