Giveaway Thursday: Win a free Philmont DVD, Blu-ray, or book

Philmont giveaway

What’s the next-best thing to visiting Philmont? That’s easy: Winning Scouting magazine’s Thursday giveaway.

Sure, winning the giveaway won’t fill you with a lifetime of memories like visiting Philmont would. But, hey, at least this week’s winners will be figuratively transported to that hallowed New Mexico site through jaw-dropping pictures and unforgettable stories.

Did I say “winners”? As in more than one? Yep.

This week, three randomly selected entrants will get a prize:

Seeing Philmont in person is great. But until you’re able to do that, take a visit through Larry McLaughlin’s stellar documentary or James Sundergill’s inspiring book.

Here are the giveaway rules:

  • Many will enter; three will win.
  • Giveaway ends at 2 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Thursday, March 24.
  • One entry per person.
  • Submit your entry below and include a working e-mail address. I’ll contact the winners by e-mail to arrange shipment of the prize.
  • I’ll use a random-number generator to select the winners after the entry deadline. Good luck!

Sorry, the entry deadline has passed. Here are the winners:

  • Philmont Blu-ray: Kurt Larson, Greater Pittsburgh Council
  • Philmont DVD: Todd S., San Diego Imperial Council
  • Philmont Book: Kelli Cupp, Heart of America Council

Last week’s winner:

    The winner of last Thursday’s giveaway was Richard Margrave of the Blue Ridge Mountains Council. I’ll send him the REI Zen sleeping bag. There were 884 entries in the giveaway.

    About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
    Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.