Recap: Boy Scouts of America on “Jeopardy!”

The venerable quiz show “Jeopardy!” paid tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America last week with a special category about Scouting.

The “Jeopardy!” Clue Crew took a special field trip to California’s Camp Winton for footage to complement the category. And even though the contestants saved the category for last (none of them were Scouts, apparently), the group got each question right.

Were you watching? If not, here’s a chance to test your knowledge with the answers and questions from the show. You’ll find the five answers below. Write down the questions on a piece of paper, and then check your work by following the jump below.

$200: In 1940 this composer gave the Boy and Girl Scouts all future royalties from the song “God Bless America.”

$400: To be a First Class Scout, you have to able to find directions. One way is to place a stick in the ground and wait for the afternoon shadow, which will point this way.

$600: A popular Scouting activity is the throwing of this type of hatchet or axe native to North America.

$800: A traditional skill in Scouting is knowing how to build a fire; one good method is named for this Native American shelter.

$1,000: The first Boy Scout to go on to be the president was this man who, in a youthful letter to his father Joe, asked for a bigger allowance to buy canteens and other Scout supplies.

Follow the jump below to check your work. Good luck!


$200: Who is Irving Berlin?

$400: What is east?

$600: What is a tomahawk?

$800: What is a tepee?

$1,000: Who is John F. Kennedy?

You can watch “Jeopardy!” every day. Check your local listings here.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.