Your 100th Anniversary celebration photos


Last week, we asked you to send us photos of your unit's 100th Anniversary celebration. And we were impressed with what we got. It's clear that the BSA Centennial spirit is alive across the country. That's certainly the case at the library in Alton, Ill., where Troop 7 has created the Scout history window you see above. It's a great chance for the "uninitiated" to learn about Scouting. Thanks to Richard Ruedin for the photo.

Follow the jump for more photos. And keep them coming all year by e-mailing us your favorite shots.

100th-2Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts show reverence at Scout Sunday 2010 in the Greater Western Reserve Council (Ohio). Photo by Brent Grantham.

100th-3Boy Scouts and Venturers visiting Tokyo, Japan, celebrated the BSA's birthday during the annual forum between the BSA and the Scout Association of Japan. Photo by David Weerts.

100th-4 What's a birthday party without some cake? Pack 820 from Coppell, Tex., ate cake and sang birthday songs to celebrate the big day. Photo by Tim O'Flaherty. 

100th-5 Scouts and Scout leaders in Simsbury, Conn., enjoyed refreshments while checking out historic BSA handbooks and merit badge pamphlets. Photo by Bill Rice.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.