Having a BSA birthday party this weekend? Send us your photos!

Bsa100h_4k_sm Have you heard? Monday is the 100th Anniversary of the Boy
Scouts of America. On Feb. 8, 1910, the BSA was founded. That makes Feb. 8,
2010, the perfect time for a party.

We’re sure that many of you will have 100th Anniversary
activities with your pack, troop, or crew in the next few days. And we want in
on the fun!

Send us your favorite photo from your unit’s festivities.
We’ll publish the best ones on Cracker Barrel next week.

Click here to e-mail us your photo. Include
your name, position, unit number, and council. Also, make sure the photo is
less than 5MB in size.

No plans but still want to celebrate? Click here for inspiration.

We can’t wait to see how units across the country are
celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.