A camp clothes drying rack you can build in minutes

Camp-clothes-drying-rackIt’s the stuff of a parent’s preposterous dream. After a long weekend or week of camp, a Scout comes home with clothes that are actually clean.

And — gasp — it’s not because he didn’t bother to change clothes all week. It’s because he actually did laundry. On a campout.

I’ve already shared the steps for making a washing machine out of a paint bucket and plunger.

Today, let’s talk drying.

Clotheslines are so 1960s. Today’s most cunning campers build a camp clothes drying rack out of sticks and ropes. Drying racks are better because they take up less real estate and, yes, because they look really cool.

Scouting volunteer Larry Green, who has shared his camping tricks before, is back with plans for building a better camp clothes drying rank.

Go here for the step-by-step instructions.

Why a camp clothes drying rack?

Here’s what Larry writes:

  • It takes up less space while drying more wet things.
  • It eliminates the clutter of clothing and towels haphazardly strewn around on tables, tree branches, tent platforms or overcrowded on a disorganized array of drooping clothes lines.
  • It can be set up in a location where there is the most sunshine.
  • It’s especially useful when camping in an open area with few trees.

About Bryan Wendell 3282 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.